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Become An Affiliate

Join Our Affiliate Program

If you are someone who is a beauty and fashion influencer, and has the passion for creating beautiful hair styles, or if you are someone who likes working as an affiliate in the beauty industry, then our Zen Hair Affiliate program is just what you are looking for!

By joining our free affiliate program, every purchase that is made through you (through a special referral link/promo code) we reward you with commission.

Benefits of joining our affiliate program:

– For Commission, you will receive a percentage from every purchase done through you.
– Be featured on our social media platforms (Influencers).
– Get featured on our website blog which is excellent for exposure (Influencers).
– Promotional opportunities and sponsorships.

Requirements to join our affiliate program:

– Specific amount of followers on Instagram. (please contact customer service for further information regarding this).*
– Your content revolves and focuses on beauty, fashion and hair.
– You are knowledgeable on how to create hair styles.
– Following us on our Instagram account (@zeluxuryextension.arabia).
– Loves to create hair tutorials and is using our hair extensions and products.

Content Creation requirements:

– Affiliates are required to post on their social media accounts from two to three times a week using an original and unique content from you own creation.
– Content should include at least 2 pieces of: Instagram feed post, IGTV video, YouTube (review video, hair tutorial, “Get Ready With Me” kind of video), Blog post if available (review, hair tutorial).
– Additional content includes IG stories (3 or more stories).
– Instagram post should include @zenluxuryextensions.arabia on the photo and in the caption, and the hashtag #zenhairshop, to keep track on all Zen Hair content created.
-YouTube and blog content must link back to zenhairshop website (if available).

To join Zen Hair's Affiliate Program, kindly create an account by signing up here

To log in to your Affiliate account, click here

*For further inquiries and assistance please tap the WhatsApp icon to contact customer service.